When you sign up for our newsletter, you accept that we send you relevant digital communication re. company news, product news, invitations to events, marketing etc.

You can unsubscribe from our newsletter at any time by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the bottom of all newsletters sent by us.

We will collect your name, company details, email address and product interests as well as the following information:

  1. When you signed up for the newsletter
  2. How many times and when you have opened a newsletter
  3. Which links you clicked on
  4. Your geographical location

We store and use this information to manage your registration and improve our newsletter.

Subscribing to our newsletter is completed with a double opt-in process. This means you will receive an email after registering in which you will be asked to confirm your registration. This confirmation is required so that nobody can register with an email address that does not belong to them.

If new ways of digital communications or new product areas should be added, Robco Engineering can use this consent to inform you about this and ask you to update your consent.

We use a third-party to send our newsletter and administer our mailing list.

Their personal data policy is available here.

You can read more about how we process your personal information in our personal data policy.


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